Neighbor > Songs > Tom Papp > Performances

Tom Papp has been played by Neighbor 6 time(s).
It was played at 2.26% of Neighbor shows.
It was last played 2021-07-30, which was 172 show(s) ago.
There have been 232 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Tom Papp" has been played, on average, once every 1 show(s).

Date Played Venue Show Gap Track Time Footnote
2019-08-13 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA1904:40Debut.
2019-09-24 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA403:45
2019-12-17 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA801:31
2020-02-18 Thunder Road, Somerville, MA803:00
2021-04-27 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA3004:46"You So Soft" quotes. Negative Space and Cucamonga Carl teases.
2021-07-30 Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, ME1003:23Ping pong game.

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