Neighbor > Songs > Feeling in the Dark > Performances

Feeling in the Dark was originally performed by Dwight Twilley Band. It has been performed by Neighbor in 8 shows. It was last played 2023-07-07, which was 52 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Track Time Footnote
2021-02-09 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA6317:12First time played (Dwight Twilley Band). Wild World (Cat Stevens) jam and Great Barrier Reef tease.
2021-05-21 Northlands, Swanzey, NH1006:43
2021-09-02 Martell's at the Red Fox, Jeffersonville, VT902:30
2021-11-05 Winston's Beach Club, San Diego, CA1109:13
2022-01-06 The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH409:54Tom Papp and Tweezer teases. Tom Papp quotes.
2022-02-25 StageOne at FTC, Fairfield, CT708:08Tweezer (Phish) tease.
2022-08-07 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN32
2023-07-07 Narrow Gauge Cinema, Farmington, ME6307:06

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